The Afterlife of The Lost

What could come after this short and atmospheric platformer about the process of dying?

Well, there's actually a lot I would like to do with it. But first I need to make some rules for expansion:

Rules of the Afterlife

1] Keeping the Message
The whole game's message is about the process of dying. You start off attached to life but as you progress through the train cars you lose more of your costume; which symbolizes your attachment to life. So things like armor and stuff won't be a thing.

2] Short but Filled
Each run of the game shouldn't take forever, but it should be filled with memorable moments in the game. 

3] This is a Side Project
I have a full-time project called Kawaii Dasher!! sure it sounds less serious but it's a lot of fun and making it has been great. It's my main project that's about to be put out in ALPHA testing very soon.

With those rules in mind, what am I going to be working on?

Death Pending
Before anything I need to patch up any bugs, clean up the code and project; and just get the project sitting on an even more stable foundation that I can expand on.

Infinity Train of Death
Instead of a set path I want to make a concrete starting car and ending car for sure. But, I want to take my idea of each car being in randomized order and make that a reality. On top of that I'd love to make variations of each car and make randomized features within those variations to create the most of a little bit of content. With enough of this the game will be filled with content!

Taking a Rest
A big part of the game is the experience of dying which is something I want to really hit home with a spiked baseball bat wielded by a giant. I want players to feel that message without no plausible way to deny it. This means I want to add rest cars where NPCs will gather with their own stories. I was originally thinking of adding these cars as "filler" cars to add more world-building and generally adding life to the game. But didn't have time. Break cars will be in-between the main cars aka the 5 stages of grief or in this case dying.  I might also add a save feature so you can literally take a break at them in case you need to get going in the middle of a run; it happens.

Stories From the Dead
I've talked about adding more NPC presence with more story/world-building; but how do I plan to do that? Right now it's a pretty lame bubble system but I'm thinking more of a minimal but nicer dialogue system to really give you the full picture.

The art for the game was done really quick 100% most of the pieces were given less than 10 minutes to be finished. I'd love to go through and really add in more unique art, some more décor, polish up existing art; and really just make the game look nicer including with particles.

I'm not musician of the year, I'm alright I think at music; but I'd love to create more tracks for the game.

These are not promises that I'm going to do any of this, but rather a wishlist of things I would like to do with the game. So! In time we'll find out what does and doesn't get done!

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